Innovation Roundtable Insights

74. Aligning the Digital & Agile Journeys with Business Objectives - Ilaria Iurilli, Ingka Centres

December 08, 2021 Ilaria Iurilli, Ingka Centres

Ilaria Iurilli, Global Digital Product Manager at Ingka Centres, explains how her team works on developing digital products for IKEA customers, highlighting how digital should amplify their experience rather than being an experience itself. She also explains the importance of how the connection to the company’s KPIs and business objective is a key criterion, both for selecting and adopting new technologies and for collecting customer data ethically. Finally, she explains how teams can work in both agile and linear ways, and how managing cultural changes, infusing a digital mindset across the whole organization, and ensuring alignment with business objectives are pivotal factors in the digital transformation journey.
This episode was recorded at the Innovation Roundtable workshop hosted by Copenhagen Airports in September 2021.

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